Thursday, October 24, 2013

Body of Writing

Mimi Cross is a multi-talented mom, writer, musician and yoga instructor. This Friday, she is offering a workshop called, Body of Writing and there is still room to sign up!


With Mimi Cross                                                                               


7:30pm - 9:00pm, Friday October 25th — Body of Writing Sampler. All levels. All genres.

Monmouth Beach Yoga & Wellness, 36 Beach Road, Monmouth Beach, NJ 07750

$15 per person, call to reserve your spot 732.263.1200


Body of Writing offers a combination of inspirational writing exercises and simple yoga postures as well as meditation and visualization techniques designed to help workshop participants access the stories they carry, often unknowingly, in their bodies.

Calming breathing techniques will allow participants to move deeper into the process of unearthing their stories. The artistic aspect of each participant will be challenged and nurtured, and everyone will leave Body of Writing feeling stimulated and relaxed. Some individuals will depart with new goals for their writing lives or the start of a new piece.

Body of Writing is both energizing and soothing. No previous experience with yoga or writing is necessary.

Body of Writing participants will explore their writing and their bodies, and receive the benefits of connecting the two.

Attendees of this special evening sampler of Body of Writing will begin to learn how to leave their inner critics at the door and listen to their bodies instead!

Mimi Cross holds an MA in music education from New York University and is an RYT with over 200 hours of teacher training. Her song 2 Clay Feet was featured on the Kripalu Yoga Center Seva CD, Svadharma. She is the author of The Alligator Waiter, published by Abe's Peanut in 2012, and The Crankamacallit, a children’s iPad app designed by Polymash and released on iTunes in 2011. Her CDs can be found on iTunes.

What you’ll need for the workshop: An 8 x 10 notebook of paper, and a pen or pencil. Please wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothing. Questions?

Add an additional dimension to the traditional body, mind, & spirit practice of yoga: Story.


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