Friday, January 30, 2015

Super Books for Super Bowl

Below is a rerun  of a previous post on books for Super Bowl Weekend.
While you are planning all of your Super Bowl festivities, please think of those less fortunate than you.  While you are out stocking-up on Super Bowl snacks, why not pick up a few cans of soup to donate to your local food pantry sponsoring a "Soup-er Bowl" food drive.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Second Sight Saturday: Super Books for Super Bowl Weekend

I originally posted this on February 3, 2012:

Super Books for Super Bowl Weekend!                                                                                                                      

brian's song
 February 3, 2012
Motivate some of your reluctant readers with the football-themed books below.  Don't forget the classic, Brian's Song, a favorite book of one of my favorite people!

Happy football reading,

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Winter Wonderland

After two beautiful snow days, I got to return to my classroom decorated with beautiful snowflakes made by one of my talented students.  You have to love and appreciate this job every single day!

Happy winter reading,

Monday, January 26, 2015

Blizzard Books

Here are pictures of the pre-blizzard snow this weekend, in Connecticut.

While we prepare for the real snow coming tonight and tomorrow, I thought I would revisit some of my previous blizzard posts:

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Blizzard Books and Movies

As the East Coast braces for a blizzard, I was thinking about some of my favorite wintry tales for young people.  Of course, Snow Day comes to mind, as well as Little House in the Big Woods.  The Twistrose Key is a 2013 release about a frozen realm.  I just picked it up, so I don't know yet if it belongs in the same category as the first two. 
Last February, as we braced for a blizzard, I wrote about my favorite winter movies.  I've reposted it below if you're looking to curl up with a dvd tonight.

February 8, 2013
A group of childhood friends and I get together every year for a  grown-ups only, no-kids Christmas dinner.  Two years ago, a heated debate broke out over the best movie of all time.  Today, as we brace for the impending blizzard, I was wondering, what are the best winter movies of all time?  Excluding Christmas movies, (it is February, after all) here are some of my top contenders:
Groundhog Day
The Shining
Dumb and Dumber  (just for the fun of it)
While You Were Sleeping
Beautiful Girls
Mystery, Alaska
and one you can watch  with the kiddies:
Big Miracle

YouTube Video

Happy blizzard reading and stay safe,

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

National No-Name Calling Week

Schools around the country are honoring National No-Name Calling Week.  For ideas on how you can get involved, click here.

Happy reading,