Tuesday, August 19, 2014

New Reading Lessons for a New World

Recently, John Oliver did a funny bit on native advertising.  If you are not familiar with the term, native advertising is when companies and organizations make their ads look like editorial content in print publications.
As a writer, I know that the sale of ad space pays for the production of the magazine, and that the editorial and advertising departments each have their own separate, important job to do.  As a reader, I've noticed ads that look like articles, but since I'm an adult, and an avid reader I can distinguish between ads and articles.  But after John Oliver's bit, I put on my teacher hat and deliberately scoured magazines and newspapers for native advertising.  When I was consciously looking for it, I noticed that it was so prevalent, that I must address it with my students.  This year when we are reading informational text, I must plan lessons using native advertising from current issues of magazines and newspapers that my students are exposed to every day.
Take a look at the two examples below from the current issues of two popular consumer magazines available in any bookstore or at the check-out of any grocery store.

Happy reading,

Sunday, August 10, 2014

S'mores and Super Moon

Today is National S'mores Day!  If you've read this blog before, you know that I usually don't like made-up, Hallmark holidays, but a day dedicated to roasted marshmallows and chocolate, bring it on!  While you're enjoying this treat, don't forget to look skyward at tonight's Super Moon.

Happy reading, eating and sky-watching,

Friday, August 8, 2014

Sharing Books

In Kiwi magazine, I read about a great way to share books and promote literacy in your hometown.  Little Free Library is a way to recycle your old books and even read some new ones.  You can order a waterproof structure, or better yet, build your own out of repurposed materials, and place books inside. Neighbors come and borrow books and even leave some of their own books.  If you're really ambitious, leave a notebook and pen in the structure for people to write their responses to each book.  Click here for information on how to promote literacy in your hometown and bring your neighbors together over a love of books!

Happy reading,